BillyRadd Music

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Citrus Synthphony

I'm having a really great time exploring the Moog Sub Phatty I got a few weeks ago. So, I put my ears on, cranked up the Logic Pro software, and laid down some tracks. I like the synth as a complimentary sound to more traditional sounds like electric guitar, 4-string canjo, and shuffle drum rhythms.

So, here's the result of my latest efforts. At the most I may eventually find an audience, and at the least, I can't hear the dog barking next door when wearing ear phones. I have even thought of recording a sound sample of some of the loud barking and incorporating it into my next piece. At the very least then, all that canine cacophony would result in a positive outcome for me. Maybe.


  1. I love the dog recording idea!

  2. Thanks, Anna. I'm sure I will have ample opportunities to carry out my plan in the next few weeks. I will use a shotgun microphone for some extra satisfaction. :)

  3. IF Im hired to curate a show again for Moogfest next year--you will be on my "must hear " list of listenable innovative electronica artists! LOve the Citrus=====and where does one get cool interactive mice loving fish?

  4. Thanks for the really nice comment, Linda. Moogfest? Wow-eee-wow!
    As far as the fish on this blog, it is a google gadget. Here's a link to it.
