Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Small Package, Big Deal

The Little Axe

I just couldn't resist.

I've gotten so used to carrying around my little Kala U Bass (a diminutive but powerful bass guitar built on a baritone ukulele body) that I was prompted by the gods of music to go ahead and purchase a concert-sized uke to add to my growing arsenal of euphonious implements. The UPS driver brought it to my door today and, just as I had hoped, I'm not disappointed.

Another well-built instrument from the folks at Kala Brand Music, this KA-CG mahogany uke fits my need for a quality, practical learning tool without having to mortgage the house to get it.  It looks like a miniature classical acoustic guitar, has great tone, and is light as a peacock feather (and darn near as pretty). With its sparkling gloss finish, traditional white binding, and chrome die-cast tuners it radiates a touch of class that is well-matched to the cool vintage tweed hard case (complete with an attached Uke Crazy medallion) that I bought to go with it, also from Kala.

After excitedly removing the concert uke from its shipping container, I first looked for scratches or flaws in workmanship. Finding none, I proceeded to tune it (to G C E A for soprano, concert, and tenor ululeles -anyone out there remember "my dog has fleas"?), and took a quick look at the documentation that came with it. The first song I strummed out from the simple printed music lesson in the box was the old classic, Home on the Range. What better way to break in my newest musical tool/toy than with this unofficial anthem of the AmericanWest.


Next. I'll have to try one of the songs from the AC/DC for Ukulele song book. Dirty Deeds Done Cheap, oh yeah! Look out, Angus Young! I wonder how I would look in an English School Boy outfit?

Well, if playing a ukulele is good enough for Roy Smeck, George Harrison, and more recently, Ed Vedder, it's more than likely good enough for Billy Radd, eh? No worries, mates.

Can't wait to jam a few choice chords with my ukulele-crazy rehearsal buddies, Neil Lawrence and Will Corbet.

We'll have to see what's up next for Asheville's newest light-weight trio.  Matching aloha shirts anyone?