Saturday, November 16, 2013

Flatpup4 - U

I'm happy to report that I received another Flatpup4 Humbucker in the mail today from Elmar Zeilhofer in Vienna, Austria, but this one is a new model Elmar has designed for use specifically in the bridge position of guitars. I am very excited to try this out and see how it works, or rather listen to how it sounds on my Kodakaster4 3-string canjo and the Utah Plates 4-string guitar. If the previous Flatpups I have purchased from Elmar are exemplary of his expertise, this new model should be very hot, warm sounding, and full-toned when amplified and with no hum, of course.

His flatpups are perfect for application to the outside of any electric guitar (or one that you want to make electric) since they are only 4mm thick and require no modification of the surface to which they are attached besides a very small whole to put the two power wires through.

I am honored that Elmar wants me to report to him how this new U-model sounds since it is a new addition to his line of very cool inventions, Flatpup Humbuckers. Of course, I will also report my findings here on my blog.

Stay tuned, Boys and Girls. The fun continues!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Canjo Gig Bag

A few weeks ago I was visiting the Acoustic Corner Music Shop in Black Mountain, NC. They are always worth a visit when Anita Gayle and I make the 15-minute drive from Asheville to shop in Black Mountain, which is a wonderful place, BTW.

This particular day I was looking for a new brass slide to use with my cigar box guitars. As always, Acoustic Corner had a few nice ones to choose from so I picked one up to take with me. On my way to the cash register I noticed a blue banjo gig bag hanging on the wall so I went over to check it out.

One of the interesting things about cigar box guitars is that, by nature, they are "non-standard", which is part of their charm as hand-made, rather rustic instruments. Because of this fact, I have been looking for a gig bag that would fit and protect my funky stringed creations that wouldn't have to be custom made and therefore, expensive.

Well, as my fortune would have it on this particular day, I had my three-string Kodakaster 4 Film Canjo in our Big Red Jeep in the parking lot so I went out, got it and brought it in to the shop. To my happy surprise, it fit perfectly, even where the neck sticks out of the bottom of the film can. So, I snapped that baby up faster than a bee-stung stallion and took it home.

Not only does it protect my canjo, it's well-made with a luggage-grade nylon exterior, soft no-scratch interior lining, has a number of roomy zippered pockets on the front, a water bottle holder, and removable back pack straps for hand's free carrying. It's a Boulder Alpine Series Deluxe Banjo Gig Bag. You can find them online from various suppliers, but if you're anywhere around Western North Carolina, I'd head on over to the Acoustic Corner in Black Mountain. They've got a great selection of most kinds of stringed instruments (except cigar box guitars or canjos) and the folks working there are nicer than your grandma with a glass of ice tea.

Sho' nuff!